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Implemented a centralized Inventory Management System that is seamlessly integrated with over 20 marketplaces.

Kapachi Clothing successfully implemented a centralized Inventory Management System that is seamlessly integrated with over 20 marketplaces. This integration has brought about a significant improvement in accuracy, leading to reduced errors in inventory management.
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The centralized system empowers us to make data-driven decisions in real time, ensuring timely deliveries and customer satisfaction. It has also enabled us to proactively manage inventory, minimizing stockouts and overstock situations.
Inventory Management System
Dot Net
Business Challenge

Managing complex inventory tracking and streamlining sales processes, while the benefits for the client comprised enhanced control over inventory, improved sales efficiency, and accurate tracking of inventory movements across multiple warehouses and stores.


The implemented centralized Inventory Management System, integrated with over 20 marketplaces, improved accuracy, reduced errors, and increased operational efficiency for streamlined dispatch processes.

Providing a centralized and synchronized inventory management system for efficient dispatch processes and movement tracking across various destinations.
Business Benefits

Providing a centralized and synchronized inventory management system for efficient dispatch processes and movement tracking across various destinations.


Business Analysis, Design, Development, Quality Assurance, Project Management Implementation & Maintenance.

“It has been an exceptional experience partnering with Code Positive Pvt. Ltd. Their team exhibits remarkable talent, creativity, and technical prowess, seamlessly bringing projects to fruition. They are incredibly easy to collaborate with, fostering a highly collaborative environment and consistently exceeding expectations to deliver exceptional results.”